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Dive into the immersive world The Legend of Zelda with these specially designed JoyCon controllers for the Nintendo Switch system Great for at home or onthego gaming, these controllers make it easy to bring your games with you anywhere you go Use them independently in each hand, or together as one game controller by attaching them to the JoyCon grip Nintendo JoyCon (L)/(R) The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword HD Edition Switch $110 View View Network N earns commission from qualifying purchases via Amazon Associates and other programs Hey!Experience the immersive world of The Legend of Zelda™ Skyward Sword HD, with this set of speciallydesigned JoyCon™ controllers The right JoyCon controller is themed after the Master Sword, while the left features a Hylian Shield motif Compatible withNintendo Switch (OLED model), Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switc Joy Con L R The Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword Hd Edition Walmart Com Walmart Com Joy-con (l)/(r) - the legend of zelda skyward sword hd edition ...

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